Arab and African Migration Towards the EU: Seeking a social focus. Panel 2 (FRENCH) Play

Arab and African Migration Towards the EU: Seeking a social focus. Panel 2 (FRENCH)

نشرت 25 يناير 2018
شاهد اكثر

2017.07.11. Casa Árabe and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Tunisia and Madrid, in coordination with the Labor Union Network of Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Migrations (RSMMS), organized this seminar, which analyzed the social facet of Arab and African migration towards the EU. With the participation of the main social role-players and institutions involved in fighting for labor dignity and dealing with migrations, the seminar seeks to provide a balanced, constructive, realistic analysis of this topic. Panel 2: Migrations within a global context. With the cooperation of the Office in Spain of the International Organization of Migrations (IOM) + European and African labor union organizations. More info:

1. محاضرات ونقاشات

62 فيديوهات

2. كتب ومنشورات

18 فيديوهات

3. مهرجانات

70 فيديوهات

4. معارض

29 فيديوهات

5. دروس وندوات

1 فيديوهات

6. برامج خاصة

0 فيديوهات